HeeSay: LGBTQ+ Community Apk


HeeSay: LGBTQ+ Community 5.4.5 APKs Bundle (189.30MB)

A brand new patch, a total upgrade!

- We changed our App name, and will offer our users the best service with the new image.
- We've updated the tags in user profiles to enhance how you present yourself.
- Post is fresh new. Don't hesitate to share your life and mood!
- Real-person avatar verification is now available online, providing you with an enhanced experience.
- UE & UI is improved. We'll do our best to bring you better services.

How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
  • Install "Split APKs Installer" and open it.
  • Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
  • Click "Select" button to start the installation process